I awoke without hearing my alarm, picked up my phone to look at the time (afterall the alarm hadnt gone off so it must be early musnt it?) AARRRRGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
yes youve guessed it the time was not 6:30am, nor was it 7:30am or even 8am (the time I was due at the display venue) the time was 9:20am!
I jump out of bed run to the bathroom and shower and get dressed in a world record time, then I phone a taxi "can I have a taxi at Logan street as soon as posible please?" "I cant be there til 10:20!" "never mind!" 3 taxi companies all the same! so I ring a neighbour and ask a favour - i get the display out the front of the house and wait for him to turn up.
we drive the 5 minute journey into town, get the display out the car and set up and ask the people next to me - you been busy yet? the answer - not a single person - so i was greatful for the extra couple of hours in bed and calmed down.

Well anouther half hour past and the organisers aproached me to ask how it was going - well I told her and then she asked me the question - will you do me a favour? Well as I had wasted 2 hours of my day stood in the boiling sun already and was pretty bored I said yes, and then shetold me what it was - would I transform myself into Harvey the Newshound? doh!

We walk around for a few seconds and as I can barely see anything I keep hearing my "guide" saying ok theres children there and i start waving at them, and a strange thing happens, i start enjoying it.
Suddenly a little girl who was crying her eyes out sees me, stops crying and runs towards me arms held out and jumps at me for a hug. Her face was just one, children, adults, teenagers - so many peoples faces just glowed when they saw this dog, some asking for hugs, others for handshakes, to pat their head etc etc. Basicaly it was a really good feeling seeing the effect that a big dog in a hawain outfit can have on people.
I was toured around the town for half an hour - and it was great, altho if you remember the recommended time was 10 minutes and now i know why. At about 25 minutes I whispered to my guide - its time i got out of this! and we went back to the toilet to transform back into me. as I stripped down to my normal shirt I realised how wet my shirt was, I had sweated buckets and was hurting all over.
I decided that was enough of the stall (which still had no visitors) and packed up, went for a quick drink at a friends house and then went to the cube to work.
To cut this part of the story short I basicaly managed to get someone else to run the cube for the rest of the day and came home and fell asleep on the sofa until dr who started etc and then just chilled. I felt pretty rough and I think the fact i was sick once may have been some sort of sign that i was dehydrated so i didnt open any of the wine i had and just drank water for a bit. watched some films and generally chilled out.
The day itself was pretty wasted really, but when you think about how many hugs i got and how many people me and harvey made smile I guess it wasnt wasted at all.
Anyone who used to read my old blog would know that I havent really been myself for a few days because someone asked some questions I didnt like the answers to. Well today (because of Harvey) I realised that while I may not like myself as much as I should I do have a God given talent for making people smile and for helping/listening to people when they need it - and I like that, and thank God for it!
so if anyones reading this who I have offended during my bleak period Im sorry
if anyones reading this and thinking - yay moretys back - then again im sorry ive been away
HOWEVER there is one thing im not going to change - and that the fact that I have to be serious sometimes, and be listened to sometimes! hope you can put up with that
but for now let the games begin!
rofl rofl rofl oh morety you are so funny. that dog is pretty cute though. glad you had a good day but i am srorry about your presentation. also i am really glad that i dont have to feel guilty about keeping you up -cos it wasnt me! yay.
AWW morety , i can sympathise i was the dragon snap when i worked for lunn poly only i got kids comin up to me and kicking me in the legs ,haha, oh the painful memories!!!!!! still get flash backs now:P, yeh morety you are a great person and you do make ppl laugh and smile and that is god given:), never let anyone tell you different, i know im not going to any more:) gbu x
QUOTE: I decided that was enough of the stall (which still had no visitors) and packed up, went for a quick drink at a friends house and then went to the cube to work.
... so, let me get this straight. You went to a friend's house after sweating for 25 minutes, and you did'nt shower or change?
one word... STINKY!
Love the dog story - it's true what you said about having a gift for making people smile and stuff. You rock! I love you. Marry me. Actually, don't cos neither of us are gay and I'm already married. You get the idea tho.
Annoyingly, I have the equal and opposite gift to you and usually cause tears in people. Gutted.
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