Thursday 7 June 2007

The Cube - for those who requested it

ok first this is the official background of "The Cube" (the cafe I run)

The Cube was created in response to a survey of the town by Harborough Improvement Team (HiT) which identified a lack of provision for young people in the 14-18 age group.

The churches in town agreed to set up ‘the Cube’ (initially named ‘the Source’) to be overseen by a Supervisory Board made up of the youth workers or representatives from the main eight churches in the town.

The cafĂ© is managed by young people, volunteers and Matthew Moreton (full time youth worker) and is based on Christian principles including the value of the individual, the importance of relationships, tolerance and respect for one another and the free and open discussion of different views and opinions. It seeks to provide a safe & secure environment in which young people can relax and enjoy themselves. Provision will be made for discussing any issues raised by young people and support given for organising their own events and activities. The Cube motto is ‘Live life, love life & learn from life’ and expresses the aim of supporting and equipping young people in getting the most out of their lives.

The Cube is open to everyone aged 14-16 and to 16-18’s who are not in full time employment. Since opening “The Cube” has reached on average 120 young people each week (including repeat attendees) with a wide mix of youths from many different backgrounds.

so thats the official stuff out the way, basicaly my job is to run the venue and stop it just being a cafe and make it youth work. Sometimes I fail sometimes I succeed. Any questions ask away but i really am not sure what to say about the cafe so yeah thats the work stuff gone I may write a proper blog or I may go to bed!

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