Sunday, 1 July 2007

a PJ Day

Ive had a pajama day today! For those people who dont know what one of those are its a day that you get out of bed and dont bother getting washed or dressed and just stay in your bed clothes for the whole day.

yes i stink!

Other than that I have sat infront of my tv and watched the Dianna concert, and whilst the show itself was a mix of the cack and the brilliant the whole thing got me thinking about how one persons death can effect millions of people in such a way that 10 years after she dies a concert remembering her gets shown in almost every country in the world.

That obviously got me thinking of Jesus and his death, and the bit that often gets forgotten about - coz he "died for our sins" - his RESURECTION! I mean doesnt it speak volumnes that a woman dies in a tragic accident in France and every country broadcasts a show about her 10 years later but in some countries a God who died for a reason - a reason that was nothing to do with him, was to do with us, cant be talked about without fear of persecution!

Then theres the fact that tickets for this concert sold out in minutes wheras theres empty pews in the churches because of people like me being too tired to give up a rare day off to worship the person who saved us.

The thing is Im not sure God minds. Obviously he minds about the first point, and he wants us to fight for the right to party (or worship) and for the right for all to do the same, but Im not sure if he minds when we have a day in bed or whatever because he wants us to worhsip him 24/7/365 not just in the church building on a Sunday. Maybe its just me talking myself out of guilt or maybe not.

The song thats just finished on the show is "are you ready for love?" and i think thats a good a place to stop as any, are we ready for love? will we accept love? will we show love? will love be our lives?

if the answer to all these questions are yes then we will be worshiping God 24/7/365 and so God wont mind the odd Sunday PJ day, if the answers are yes then we will be fighting injustices and for the right for all to worship God, and if the answers are yes then we are having a true relationship with him.

if the answer is no to any of the questions then we need to work on that to change it. The big problem tends to be accepting love - i know it is for me - God can move mountains and so helping you to change your answers is certainly possible if u ask him.

so are you ready? are you ready for love?


Her said...

You weren't joking when you said you were getting deep with your blog!
I don't have anything deep to respond with...sorry!
I'll just sit here singing 'are you ready for love' entertaining other bloggers as they write equally deep stuff for you.

Rachel said...

No—the problem is not accepting God's love, as that is the easy bit. The problem is passing it on. That is what I have difficulty with; but maybe I have too narrow a view of passing it on. But it is all too easy to take and give nothing back.

And yes, God does not want to be confined to Sunday. God wants to be part of our lives every day, and so missing church a few times should not effect the bigger picture.

Ann Marie said...

Nossie You are one of the lucky ones then that can just accept the fact that God loves you

Anonymous said...

what a lovely blog morety , deep but lovely xxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Teebs wuz ' ere

Anonymous said...

I like it Morety. Good post. Makes me think about whether Sunday morning is relevant to anyone, let alone Christians. Maybe it's time to just rethink the whole thing.