Thursday, 3 January 2008

I should be working but..... (and new years resolutions)

Well today is the 2nd day of my new job, and the 3rd day of the new Year so it really is time I should blog, the problem, as Ive read so often on others blogs, is I currently dont have internet at home so am shockingly writing this at my desk when I should be working - shhhh dont tell my bosses.

So where to begin?

The move went well, way back on the 19th December, last year (how time flies) and a lot of great people helped fill a van up with my belongings before my dad drove it up to Liverpool for some more great people to help unpack the van. That all went very smoothly, but then disaster stuck!

(cue dramatic noise)

NO GAS!!!!!!!!!

to cut a long story short it turns out that for some reason Transco had turned the gas supply to the house off from the street, which is a lot more complicated that just turning a switch and meant that it could take 8 weeks to fix. No one was prepared to take the blame for this, Transco say they did it but dont know why they did it but are sure that the reason they did it was a valid reason, British Gas were shocked to find out this has happened and didnt know how to fix it but were sure that it could get fixed, and the Landlord was flabbergasted to have to deal with this whole situation!

It has meant that I havent paid my rent as I have no heating or hot water and thats illegal, so it has saved me money, but its still not exactly a nice thing to happen in the middle of Winter. As of today Transco have promised that it will definitly be fixed by early next week!

Luckily Christmas came up, and so on 24th December I jumped on a train and escaped my nice but cold house for the warm welcome of my mothers, and I stayed there until 1st Jaunary 2008.

So then we reached this year (yes im skipping Christmas and New year as, although they were great and I really enjoiyed them not much actually happened). On the 2nd of January I began my new job as Youth Connect Officer.

I got into work at 9am and was greeted and told someone would be with me soon but just to make myself comfortable and use the computer until someone does arrive. I decided to surf the web and search for other youth agencies in anfield who i should contact, so i used my time wisely. An hour past, then a second and then at 11:30 someone said "are you ok to come to a meeting tonight where we are planning the next years programme for youth work" I asked the time and the reply "I dont know yet" came. they left and I sat there still with no work, no knowledge of what I was supposed to be doing, but with a meeting to go to where I was planning my years worth of work. This was going to be interesting.

I left work at 3pm and discovered the meeting was at 8pm and so went and done a bit more housework and watched TV then went to the meeting. This was very productive, with me getting a real sense that, whilst the work will fill my time up a lot, there is lots of potential for amazing work to take place here.

So far my job is, running and overseeing lots of youth activities (in church and out)
Do detached work
Manage and supervise a careforce worker

and thats just on day 2 so by next week I may be even busier lol

thats all for now, but before I go I should give you my new years resolutions....

1. Gain weight. At least 30 pounds.
2. Stop exercising. Waste of time.
3. Read less. Makes me think more.
4. Watch more TV. I've been missing some good stuff.
5. Procrastinate more. Starting tomorrow.
6. Stop bringing lunch from home: Eat out more.
7. Get in a whole NEW rut!
8. Spend my summer holiday in Cyberspace.
9. Get further in debt.
10. Don't believe politicians.
11. Avoid airplanes that spontaneously drop 1000 feet.
12. Don't swim with piranhas or sharks.
13. Associate with even worse people.
14. Spread out priorities beyond ability to keep track of them.
15. Wait around for opportunity.
16. Focus on the faults of others.
17. Mope about faults.
18. Never make New Year's resolutions again.

Now those I will keep to!


Anonymous said...


Perhaps you should do the opposite of your New Year's Resolutions... I think swimming with piranhas and sharks would be lots of fun. LOL



Ann Marie said...

Hi Morety,

Let me know your address i work with Transco and I will make a few enquiries to make sure the work is going ahead. I know all the right people to talk to.

Much love

Rev xx

Anonymous said...

Morts, my love! I like your list of resolutions. Especially that one about procrastination. You employ irony very well.

Anonymous said...

whits the number fer yer work, work is for WORK , not PLAY ya wee bam hhahaha x and u noe commented on ma blog ya nugget